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Closing Out 2022 and Welcoming 2023

This year was the first year where we started to truly live in a post-pandemic world. We began the year in masks with the omicron outbreak wondering when it would end, and as we moved into the spring, we reclaimed a life that in many ways didn’t look the same. This summer seemed to be the busiest vacation season in recent history. We got back to it even though the wounds of the experience, whether it is mourning loved ones lost or an economic hangover driven by the economic conditions of the pandemic. The past few years have certainly been some of the most transformational for us as a planet and there is no going back. Things we took for granted as immutable like working in an office full time or how we like to socialize are in flux and our post-pandemic norms are still being flushed out. We are also watching incredible tensions in the social and political spheres continue manifest and demonstrate how ill-equipped we are to manage in whatever ultra-modern age we are moving into.

There is reason to hope, as we’re a resilient species and evolution is happening over the long arc of time. As Peter Diamandis says, all of the data says it’s the best time to be alive. The angst is real though and a symbol of painful adaptation happening in real-time. The only way to deal with the complexity is to breathe and relax into the discomfort like a difficult yoga pose and find a grounded sense of equanimity. In silence, slowing down, and presence we find our true wisdom that lives in the mind, heart, and spirit. This wisdom has a sense of sovereignty to it. The wise sovereign Queen or King is rarely rushed, and their posture and countenance is in itself a metaphor: stately, poised, relaxed, and present. We have this sovereignty in all of us, waiting to awaken and bring wisdom to the places we live. The hardest problems to solve contain incredible complexity and nuance. If they didn’t, we would have solved them already. Many times, these problems contain polarity and paradox that seemingly don’t resolve. The only way to emerge into a third solution from being seemingly stuck in a binary loop is wisdom. By bringing our full presence, by leaning into our own sovereignty, we can find the highest good for the most and make decisions that are just and sustain life itself. Whether you lead a company or a team or a girl scout troop or a group of volunteers, the world needs this from you. When we embrace the wisdom that can solve complex adaptive challenges, we set ourselves up to thrive in a world that is becoming exponentially more different every day.

The end of the year is one of reflection and slowing down, where the work world tends to take a collective break and we spend time with people we love. We think about how our year went and how we want our next year to go. In the slowdown, we usually notice how full life has been, and find patterns and themes that speak to our lives. Even though year-end is a somewhat arbitrary time to reflect and it’s easy to be cynical about new year's resolutions, it’s still a good excuse to be more intentional about our lives. We have curated some resources for you and hope they help you make sense of your life and awaken to the wise, sovereign gift you are. Even when life is most difficult, beauty still exists and life is moving like a river. We are grateful to have traveled with you this year and look forward to learning and growing together next year.

May all beings be peaceful. May all beings be happy. May all beings be safe. May all beings awaken to the light of their own true nature. May all beings be free.

Yours in evolution,

Matt Auron

Co-Founder and Managing Director