In the world I envision, we are human in everything we do – in the way we lead, in the way we work and in the way we build organizations.
Prior to becoming an Executive Leadership Coach, I was an accomplished leader in the creative industry developing successful brands. Now I develop successful leaders.=
I’m driven to help people and companies discover a way of being that's aligned with who they are and deeply rooted in a commitment to living and leading courageously.
I’ve worked with people from all over the world and coached CEOs, business leaders, and teams at start-ups, creative agencies, academic institutions and Fortune 500 companies.
I support leaders uncover their unique brand of leadership and help them develop the strengths, competencies, mindsets and habits necessary for success in areas such as leading and managing
teams effectively, assimilating into new and expanded roles, career stewardship, and developing executive presence.
I have a keen interest in supporting ambitious women navigate their careers. I believe in the power of diversity and inclusion and hope to see more women represented at the top in my lifetime.
I’m originally from Los Angeles and now live in beautiful Amsterdam with my husband and son.