The Essence of Depth and Mastery

By: Matt Auron

One of the phrases we use to support our growth and those of our clients is Depth and Mastery. We encourage insight into our operating system and deeper callings in life (depth) as well as the regular practice of learning and improvement (mastery). These two principles underpin what is central to Evolution and pair with our holistic view of the world (I-We-It and Be-Do-Have).

Our view and support of depth are one of the differentiators for Evolution. We encourage our coaches and clients to deeply inquire within, to create an understanding of who they have been, who they are, and who they are becoming. This means facing the shadow, family of origin patterns, understanding our personality and looking at the narratives in our lives. Our personal mythology drives who we are. This journey can be fraught with anxiety and sometimes pain, but the result is almost always a more complex version of ourselves. In many ways, the journey of depth takes us beyond ourselves and in moments to the nature of the universe and cosmos itself. Sitting in silence for days on end in a meditation retreat reveals parts of ourselves and the universe that comes from quiet and subtle listening. Our depth also includes elements of higher purpose and calling, the spiritual pull towards transcendence.

Mastery is the acquisition of skill and capacity via cycles of learning that both increase capability as well as wisdom itself. Using the analogy of the blacksmith, mastery is a process that never ends, and the point is not the perfect tool that is made, but the never-ending process to attain perfection. Mastery is a continuous process of learning which occurs both through external study as well as the process of self-inquiry. Both of these are critical and masters have studied the best and been in their own process and learned via their own context. We believe mastery is continuously practiced and new learning further enriches the craft. Having a learner mindset and regular commitments are key to this process.

Both depth and mastery underpin who we are as a firm, and as we are on this journey with our clients, we undergo it ourselves. As Warren Bennis said, “Leadership is about becoming more of ourselves”, and the lifelong deepening of who we are as we hone our purpose and craft in the world is a journey we are honored to be on with you.
