The Evolution Podcast Episode One: Leadership Teams - the Heartbeat of an Organization

We’re thrilled to announce that the Evolution Podcast is now streaming across all listening platforms. Join our team of expert coaches and other industry leaders as we explore leadership, personal development, scaling start-ups, and how these ideas and methods are inspiring us to build and lead extraordinary companies that enrich the world, improve our lives, and drive long-term, holistic success.

In our first episode, Evolution Managing Partner, coach and facilitator Miriam Meima, and Evolution Managing Director and master coach Matt Auron discussed leadership teams, the nuances therein, and how to build highly connected, effective executive teams. 

Miriam shared the personal journey of grief and self discovery that led her to working with a coach for the first time. 

“I went through a divorce, and my mom passed away, quite suddenly. And in that moment, I was really having trouble figuring out the difference between up and down, left and right. And I didn't know where to turn. And that's when I hired my first coach.” - Miriam Meima.

Matt and Miriam also dove into how alignment within a leadership team trickles down through every part of an organization. 

“I think of leadership teams as the heartbeat of an organization…and the more aligned people are behind closed doors, the stronger that heartbeat, and it sends a very strong and positive signal to the entire organization and allows for blood to be kind of circulated obviously, through the whole system.” - Miriam Meima

You’ll also hear Matt and Miriam discuss what it feels like to be part of a high-performing executive team. 

“There's a feeling that's associated with high-performing teams. There's an energy there…That's the big question. How to create that magic.” - Matt Auron

Tune in to hear: 

  • Miriam’s journey as a business psychologist and coach.

  • Why authenticity and effectiveness is key to leadership.

  • The importance of creating space for struggling leaders.

  • What leadership teams at unicorns do differently.

  • How to achieve alignment within executive teams and move through the process of learning to relate to one another. 

  • The importance of self awareness among leaders individually and as a team. 

  • What effective executive team meetings look like. 

Click here to listen to Episode One of the Evolution Podcast, Leadership Teams: The Heartbeat of an Organization, ft. Miriam Meima

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