Walking the Walk: Evolution is Officially Climate Neutral!

When we work with clients, we emphasize Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Sustainability (DEIS) as core facets of any leadership strategy, and we take each of those pillars incredibly seriously. We see sustainability as an inextricable part of making business more equitable, which is why we emphasize DEIS rather than DEI alone.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that we are officially Climate Neutral Certified. Climate change is the single biggest threat to humanity, but we have the tools and the duty to stop it. In order to do our part to combat climate change, we’re taking action to measure and reduce our carbon footprint as a company. 

We began the certification process in May of this year and have enthusiastically progressed through each step. 

Measuring our Footprint

We measured our 2021 carbon footprint at 43 tonnes. To arrive at this number, we looked at all of the emissions created from the services we provide. Emission sources include employee commuting, business travel, utility bills, and more. Given that 2021 was still a pandemic/lockdown year, we anticipate that number going up for 2022.

Supporting Projects that Help the Earth

We have dedicated resources to support projects that use renewable energy in the US, reduce landfill gas in China, and avoid deforestation in Brazil.

Our Reduction Action Plan

To reduce our emissions over the next 12-24 months, we are developing a travel policy that challenges every decision that would put our team members on planes or cause them to travel more than two hours by car. This policy will also provide substantial informational resources on greener travel alternatives. We are also revising our purchasing policy to focus on green purchasing practices. We are aiming to have 75% of our purchasing come from green programs or partners by the end of 2023.

Becoming Climate Neutral is a significant milestone for Evolution in doing our part to support climate justice. Each year, we will be required to recertify, making this an ongoing commitment that we are happy to maintain. Even though we have a relatively small carbon footprint, it is paramount for us to take responsibility for any environmental impact we have. We hope that Evolution can be an example for other small companies, showing that no matter the size of a business, we can, and must, all do our part to combat climate change. 

Together, Climate Neutral Certified companies are working to eliminate more than 1,000,000 tonnes of carbon emissions, and we’re very pleased to help reach that goal through our efforts. 

To learn how to become Climate Neutral Certified, visit www.climateneutral.org.
